Cultivate an intelligent opinion, based on goodwill and on what you, as a result of study, feel should be done. Then
discuss the ideas in your home, among your friends and in your environment without fear or favor. It will help you to do so
if you regard such discussions as a service and believe that your interests and enthusiasm cannot fail to have an effect.
EXT 383. I presume you will recognize the truth of what I say when I express the opinion that your individual
or personal love of humanity and the focus of your attention upon human need is very largely theoretical. DINA2 297. 274.
People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. Therefore it is especially valuable when a man has the
courage to speak his opinion. Bro. MM 358. You have already heard about people for whom all waters are alike,
all air is the same, all trees of one species are identical, even the faces of a people are alike such inattentiveness is
amazing. And these people, not being able to notice subtle changes in nature, are the more incapable of forming an opinion
about that which is invisible to their eyes. It is necessary to reiterate stressfully about such low consciousnesses, for
they have stentorian voices. Bro. MM. 525. Furthermore, man must learn to harken to experienced counsels. Through
such collective opinion many fires are engendered. One should not avoid discussions, they form centers for the vortices of
currents and the change of energies. Let the currents change; surely after the depressing ones finer ones will come. AUM.
MM. The Hierarchy of Adepts has been divided in opinion (if so unsuitable a word can be applied to a group of
souls and brothers who know no sense of separateness, but only differ over problems of "skill in action") over the present
world condition. EXT 5. 518. Highly diverse are the paths of the consciousness, and therefore people need to
accustom themselves to assimilate thoughts they hear. It is a pity to observe the needless zigzag of the path arising from
egoism, arrogance, and contempt for another's opinion. Thus, people are obliged to read many times that which through heart
perception could have been reached more directly and quickly. AUM. MM. In the world order of the Axis powers,
the individual has no rights; he has no freedom except in so far as he serves the state; there will be no liberty of thought
or conscience, all issues will be decided by the state, and the private citizen will have no right to an opinion. EXT 189.
137. The inhabitance of heavenly bodies remains under doubt to this day. Even the best astronomers hesitate
to express an opinion about this question. The reason lies chiefly in the conceit of man. He does not wish to admit incarnation
in any conditions other than earthly. Fear before Infinity is also a hindrance. Surely, not many dare to reflect about such
a remote giant as Antares, which, in the ocean of the Milky Way, presupposes beyond itself infinite Space. Meanwhile, people
should think of distant worlds as being inhabited. AUM. MM. 418. Public opinion must imperatively demand justice.
AUM. MM. The implications will be clear to you. A trained and enlightened public opinion is an unknown thing
on a world wide scale, though enlightened groups are rapidly appearing. Out of public opinion (which is the focused expression
of the growth of mass consciousness) will emerge the mass will-to-good, inherent in every individual; for this humanity must
work and wait. EA 632. 441. The cooperative is a bulwark of the state and a nursery for public life. Whence will
come public opinion? Whence will be formed the longed for progress? Whence will solitary workers receive help?
Surely, cooperation will also teach unity. AUM. MM. A temporary ending of the war would only give time for the
Forces of Evil to reorganize, and the future war would be infinitely worse than this one. This the intelligent humanitarian
is saying, and this is the opinion of the Hierarchy. EXT 426. 442. It is time to understand and to look into
the dwellings of the poor; only there is it possible to form an opinion about the true situation of a people. AUM. MM. 79.
It is useful to observe how people act under suggestion, but at the same time violently deny the possibility of such an influence.
Sometimes, out of malice, a man asserts that his conduct is in accord with his own intentions, whereas he is acting under
direct suggestion. Man transmits thoughts which are not his own, and makes use of expressions which are alien to him, but
because of malice he tries to ascribe them to himself. If one knows whence a suggestion has issued, one can form an opinion
about an intentional distortion. Dark and unsteady is everything created by malice. Bro. MM. In the opinion of
our old philosophers sound or speech is next to thought the highest karmic agent used by man. TCF 193. 263. Even
judging by externals, one can form an opinion about the obvious difference. He who does not know will begin to feel troubled,
to glance about, and to listen; he will be suspicious and look around in a hostile way. Bro. MM. 479. People
cannot understand by what signs to appraise actions. Here is an opinion brilliantly expressed, yet in the Higher valuation
it is not considered very good. On the other hand, an opinion hesitantly voiced, full of modest reserve, deserves joyful commendation.
To a superficial observer such an appraisal is not comprehensible. There can be brilliance in false stones. Deep thinking
can also be expressed in very singular words. Where there is more inner glow, there must also be encouragement. When I speak
about simplicity, I have in mind direct persuasiveness. When there is talk about raising the people's level, precisely simplicity
is required in all its convincingness. This quality must not only be accepted with one's mind but loved with one's heart;
from it emanate both cooperation and Brotherhood. Bro. MM. The veriest coward in the whole category of cowards
may have the courage of conviction, and arise to defend his position when the exigencies of some important situation
seem to demand such action; but it takes a hero of heroes quietly to accept a rebuke, frankly to acknowledge a wrong to those
for whose good opinion he cares, then drop silently out of sight, and go to work to set himself right. TTI. Hilarion. 125. Jeremy